From buying binoculars to researching bird calls, it can be overwhelming to conduct on-line searches. Or just getting connected with local bird-related organizations can be vexxing.
Below are some of the most useful resources we have come across to assist you with all facets of birding.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology All About Birds
Audubon Binocular Guide
American Bird Association Code of Birding Ethics
American Bird Conservancy Reducing Bird Collisions
Florida Museum of Natural History Florida Bird Sounds
Audubon Florida Jay Watch
Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife
Harns Marsh Wings Over Water Festival
Audubon Corkscrew Swam Sanctuary
Caloosa Bird Club
Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Ding Darling Wildlife Society
Lee County Bird Patrol
Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Purple Martin Conservation Association
Great Backyard Bird Count
Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Sighting Report for Swallow-tailed Kites
Peregrine Fund World Center for Birds of Prey