New Bylaws Proposal
The Board of the Chapter of the Southwest Florida Audubon Society has drafted new bylaws for the governance of the chapter. At our Annual Membership Meeting, set for June 1, 2024, at the Collaboratory, the entire membership will vote for the adoption of the new bylaws. It has been fifteen years since the old bylaws were adopted, and the board saw the need to make updates to fit the changing needs of our community and chapter.
Members may vote in person at the meeting or they may email their vote directly to our chapter--if by email, you must submit your vote to audubon.southwest.florida@gmail.com by May 31. You may also mail your vote in to Audubon of Southwest Florida, P.O. Box 61401, Fort Myers, FL 33906-1041, postmarked by May 25. If you either email or mail in your ballot, please identify yourself so that we may be able to affirm your membership and are qualified to vote.
If the chapter votes not to adopt the new bylaws, the current bylaws will remain in effect.
Below are pdf files of the Current Bylaws and the Proposed Bylaws for your review.