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March Shorebird Dates

Winter Shorebird Stewarding has been going great, we are up to 57 species, and 7,017 birds counted so far, with only five more dates to go!

We are already beating last year's record for total species by 9!  But we have a ways to go to reach last year's total count of 12,173... join us for the next few dates to help us beat our record last year!!

Some highlights from the past month include: a common loon at Lovers Key State Park, some big flocks of white pelicans flying over at Bunche Beach, Wilson's plovers at Lovers Key, and some nice lineups of royal terns, sandwich terns, common terns, forster's terns, and Caspian terns sitting next to each other to make learning ID nice and easy!

The Last Winter Shorebird Stewarding Dates for the season are:

February 25- Bunche Beach, 8am

March 3: Bike Ding Darling. 8:30am, RSVP to

March 10- Bunche Beach , 8am

March 17 - Lovers Key, 8am

March 24 - Bowditch Point Park, 8am

March 31 - Lovers Key, 8am

Please RSVP to to join us for Stewardship.  An RSVP allows us to know who to expect at the parking lot, and the ability to notify you of cancellations due to weather. 

In May, Summer Shorebird Stewarding will begin as we get ready for breeding season and cute baby birds! There will be several new locations this summer. 


To stay informed about upcoming updates and training opportunities, we invite you to access the 2024 Lee County Steward Sign Up form through the link provided below:

Robin Serne

Lee Winter Shorebird Stewardship Coordinator


© 2024 Audubon of Southwest Florida, INC. 

Post Office Box 61041
Fort Myers, Florida 33906-1041

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